Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Winds – Minnie Case Hopkins

I found this lovely poem in an old book in a second hand bookstore.  Sometimes small treasures like this find us, and fill us with light.

                                                             Picture credit

I have not seen the wind,
But I have seen a rose
Burst into crimson rapture
When a south wind blows.
I have not seen the wind,
But when the sun-kissed air
is full of flying leaves like birds
I know a wind is there.

I have not seen the wind
But this, I know, must be:
When waves like horses leap and run
A wind is on the sea.
I have not seen God’s face,
But I have seen a cloud
Become a resting soul, because
It felt the breath of God.

Winds Minnie Case Hopkins


Jade said...

What a perfect surprise! :) I love finding old things in books. It only happens once in a long time. And of course, I really love this poetic meditation on wind and God.

Mark Sargeant said...

Second hand bookstores are great to explore, I could spend hours in them! And it is even better when you find things like this...

I thought to myself that you would enjoy this poem when I posted it on the blog ;)